Waste Management
Waste Management Insurance Office

We specialise in insuring entities involved in waste management. We are distinguished by our knowledge of the business branch and the risk engineering that is part of our brokerage service.

The difficult situation on the insurance market for waste management companies requires risk management and a new approach to security. As part of the brokerage service, entities cooperating with Mentor S.A. are covered by the WasteRisk Risk Management Programme, the aim of which is to increase the level of safety and risk acceptability, and ultimately to improve the scope and prices of insurance offers.

We support enterprises from the design stage through construction/modernisation of plants to their operation and claims handling. We have many years of experience in servicing entities applying the provisions of the Public Procurement Law.


  • brokerage service by experienced specialists in waste management,
  • risk management under the substantive supervision of the Risk Assessment and Management Office,
  • comprehensive property insurance programmes, including conducting proceedings in accordance with the Public Procurement Law,
  • environmental policies and guarantees, including securing claims under Articles 48a and 125 of the Waste Act,
  • brokerage support in investment processes,
  • employee and management staff insurance programmes,
  • claims handling by the Legal Office of Loss Adjustment,
  • online Client panel facilitating administration of policies and claims.

offer addressed to

  • municipal waste processing plants, e.g. MBP [mechanical biological waste treatment], composting plants,
  • thermal waste processing installations (ITPOK),
  • landfill managers,
  • PSZOKs (Selective Waste Points) and transfer stations,
  • entities collecting and transporting waste,
  • recycling companies,
  • contractors/construction and assembly companies providing services to the waste management industry,
  • manufacturers of machinery for the waste management industry,
  • branch chambers and associations.


Mentor S.A.
ul. Szosa Chełmińska 177-181
87-100 Toruń
tel. +48 56 669 33 00
more information
Kinga Pawlik
+48 605 329 150
Joanna Kaliszek
+48 605 410 775
Branch Offices
and Sales Offices


Branch Office Mentor S.A.
Ciprian Porumbescu 4 demisol
010651 sector 1 Bucharest
tel: +40 775 137 582
email: claudiu.ionescu@mentorbroker.ro


Sales Office Mentor S.A.
Powstańców Wielkopolskich 10
85-090 Bydgoszcz
tel: +48 52 321 48 03
tel2: 606 25 67 67
fax: +48 56 669 33 04
email: bydgoszcz@mentor.pl


Branch Office Mentor S.A.
Jagiellońska 1
42-216 Częstochowa
tel: +48 601 251 049
email: czestochowa@mentor.pl


Branch Office Mentor S.A.
Aleja Grunwaldzka 163
80-266 Gdańsk
tel: +48 887 043 188
email: gdansk@mentor.pl


Branch Office Mentor S.A.
Al. Wolności 10/11
62-800 Kalisz
tel: +48 62 751 19 21
tel2: +48 887 042 876
email: kalisz@mentor.pl


Branch Office Mentor S.A.
Porcelanowa 19 (building A)
40-246 Katowice
tel: +48 32 730 22 19
tel2: +48 32 661 04 94
email: katowice@mentor.pl


Branch Office Mentor S.A.
Gertrudy 23/2
31-048 Kraków
tel: +48 12 661 90 30
tel2: +48 12 626 16 47
email: krakow@mentor.pl


Branch Office Mentor S.A.
Wólczańska 128/134
90-527 Łódź
tel: +48 42 231 56 01
tel2: +48 725 258 810
email: lodz@mentor.pl


Sales Office Mentor S.A.
Pana Balcera 6 lok. 105
20-631 Lublin
tel: +48 81 533 39 32
email: lublin@mentor.pl


Branch Office Mentor S.A.
Ratajczaka 32/18
61-816 Poznań
tel: +48 61 842 71 84
tel2: +48 61 843 20 06
email: poznan@mentor.pl


Branch Office Mentor S.A.
Kwiatkowskiego 2B/17L
35-311 Rzeszów
tel: +48 17 283 94 20
tel2: +48 17 283 94 21
fax: +48 17 283 94 22
email: rzeszow@mentor.pl


Branch Office Mentor S.A.
Marii Konopnickiej 18/1
71-150 Szczecin
tel: +48 91 489 13 41
tel2: +48 91 432 42 07
email: szczecin@mentor.pl


Affiliated company Mentor S.A.
Gorśkoji 5a
79018 Lwów, Ukraina
tel: +38 050 370 14 83
tel2: +48 609 690 111
fax: +38 032 237 47 17
email: ukraina@mentor.pl

Warszawa I

Branch Office Mentor S.A.
Bukowińska 10 lok. 98
02-703 Warszawa
tel: +48 22 654 12 50
fax: +48 22 654 12 51
email: warszawa@mentor.pl

Warszawa II

Branch Office Mentor S.A.
Cybernetyki 13a
02-677 Warszawa
tel: +48 22 506 58 70
email: warszawa2@mentor.pl

Sales Office Mentor S.A.
Ludwiki 4 lok A
01-226 Warszawa
tel: +48 22 627 37 65
tel2: +48 22 627 37 66
email: jkuziemska@kuziemscy.pl


Branch Office Mentor S.A.
Krzycka 15a/9
53-019 Wrocław
tel: +48 609 611 352
tel2: +48 71 343 12 21
fax: +48 71 342 43 61
email: wroclaw@mentor.pl

Zielona Góra

Branch Office Mentor S.A.
Pl. Pocztowy 11A/2
63-305 Zielona Góra
tel: +48 887 042 875
email: zielona.gora@mentor.pl


Mentor S.A.
Szosa Chełmińska 177-181
87-100 Toruń
tel: +48 56 669 33 00
fax: +48 56 669 33 04
email: mentor@mentor.pl